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RTR05 Series Rotary Tillers

Land Pride RTR05 Series Rotary Rotary Tillers for sale at Pioneer Equipment California

The Land Pride RTR05 Series Rotary Tillers are sized right for subcompact tractors and are designed to till soil for seedbed preparation. They are ideal for homeowner landscaping, small nurseries, gardens, small hobby farms, or medium-duty residential use.

The RTR05, and all reverse rotation tillers, tends to achieve greater depth of penetration, moving and pulverizing more soil in the process, while burying residue as opposed to leaving it on top. Available in 42" and 50" widths, the rotor features four "C" shaped heat-treated tines per flange that require less horsepower to move through the ground. Standard equipment includes adjustable skid shoes, park stand, and rear deflector shield.